Kerstetter Letter®

Issue 99-2

Summer 1999

© 10/28/99 8:09 PM Ozarks Time by Kerry M. Kerstetter, MBA~CPA~ATP~ATA

This is the complete text from the latest issue of the Kerstetter Letter.  Annual (four quarterly issues) subscriptions to the blue-paper printed version, including all of the hilarious cartoons and animal pictures, are available by sending a check for $19.95 to Kerstetter Letter, 11802 Deer Road, Harrison, AR  72601-6550

For the first time, we have a clickable table of contents that will take you directly to the particular article.


Charitable Donations  *  Sympathy for IRS  *  NOL Carrybacks  *  Donft Use Employees  *  Corporate Tax Returns  *  Estimated Taxes  *  Why the Good Economy?  *  Tax Protestors  *  IRS Web Site  *  What Is Money? *  Paying Taxes By Credit Card  *  Loan Sharks  *  Census Sampling  *  Internet Stocks  *  Short vs. Long term Outlook  *  Commodities  *  Limited Partnerships  *  Taxes On Social Security  *  Collectibles  *  Medi$care  *  College Funding



After all the talk of budget surpluses and saving Social Security, it wasnft long until the shine was off that rose.  Clintonfs little European military operation, destroying a tiny country, as well as what we will be paying to rebuild everything, will ensure that any chance of a tax cut is gone forever.  In fact, as the volume of business conducted over the Internet increases, so will the desire by the government leeches to tax it. 


Charitable Donations

I wholeheartedly support the idea of sharing onefs wealth with favorite charities, both during and after onefs time on this planet.  I have mentioned before that consideration should be given to what specific assets are donated to charity because there are some big tax differences, especially with retirement accounts.  Leaving money or assets through a will and/or living trust reduces the estate subject to taxes.  A way to get a more immediate tax deduction is to purchase a life insurance policy, naming the charity as the owner and beneficiary of the policy.  Although the policy may have a face value of some large amount, such as $500,000, you canft claim a tax deduction for that full amount.   You can claim a deduction for the out of pocket costs for the premiums you pay.


This needs to be distinguished from another technique used by overly aggressive tax advisors, the charitable split dollar insurance plan.  Under this plan, a person donates money to a charity, claims a charitable contribution deduction, and the charity purchases a life insurance policy with that money that pays benefits to both the charity and to the donorfs estate.  What is amazing to me is that it wasnft until this June that IRS officially ruled that this is illegal in terms of qualifying for a charitable deduction.  While many people consider me to be overly aggressive in regard to tax avoidance strategies, even I never liked this idea and never recommended it.  It fails one of the basic tests of any charitable donation.  A donation is only deductible if it has no conditions and the donor is not given anything in return.  A donation requiring the money to be used to purchase insurance coverage for the donor completely fails that test.


Publicity Seekers – Itfs a common feature in the news for people to be celebrated for naming charities in their wills.  Often, there are lavish ceremonies where the benefactors are awarded plaques and other symbols of recognition.  I am all in favor of this kind of generosity.  My problem is that the awards and celebrations are premature.  Unless the donor has given the charity some real money today, the donation is nothing more than a Text Box: Modern Mores 
Their charity work and good deeds
Fill the media, as PR holds sway;
For CEOs now, the saying should read,
gNo good deed goes unpublished today.h
--Edward F. Dempsey
revocable promise.  While not always publicized as thoroughly as the gift promise, it often happens that, after the personfs death, it is discovered that the list of beneficiaries of the estate has been changed.  Ifve mentioned before how some people (most often older men) keep people in their circle of influence (mainly gullible bimbos) based on the promise of riches from their estates.  What normally happens in these cases is that the final list of bequests is quite different.  The same thing happens with charitable bequests.


Tax Credits – There have been occasional proposals in Congress to allow taxpayers to claim tax credits for charitable donations.  Such a plan would be much more lucrative than the current Schedule A tax deduction.  It would be available to all taxpayers, not just those who itemize.  It would be a dollar for dollar reduction in tax for the same amount of the donations, not just a percentage reduction, as with a deduction.  The logic behind this idea is that if money were given directly to charities rather than run through the extremely inefficient government bureaucracy, the charities would net more money.  I believe that would be exactly the case.  If you were given a choice of paying $10,000 to the IRS or the same $10,000 to your favorite charities, which would you choose?  The reason that wefll never see such a change is that too many people would choose the charities and there would be less money for the government bureaucrats.  In setting official policy, nothing is more important than money for government.


Cut Out the Middleman - A growing trend is for businesses to claim that part of their sales price or net profits is to be given to charity.  Ifve noticed a lot of this with online businesses.  Many of these are scams.  One key to detecting the scams from the more legitimate is if the promised donation is a percentage of the net profit.  If so, odds are that creative Hollywood style accounting is being used to ensure no profits for that specific item or service.  Some of the amounts given are ridiculously low, such as five cents per purchase.  If youfre tempted to buy something just because of a promised donation of part of the purchase price to a charity, you would be better off skipping the purchase and just giving something directly to the charity.


I can still remember a class I had in college where we analyzed the issue of charitable donations by corporations.  Many people claim that to be good corporate citizens, they should give away all or most of their profits to charities.  That really isnft the function of corporations, except for the ones specifically established to support charities, such as Paul Newmanfs food companies, where it is plainly stated that all profits are for his pet charitable causes.  A normal corporation is established to conduct a business and to earn profits for its shareholders.  If the profits are given to charities instead of to the shareholders, you end up with a microcosm of the Federal government.  Money that really belongs to the shareholders is being given to charities that the corporate officers deem worthy.  It is saying the same thing our leaders in DC say: gWe know better how to spend your money than you do.h  What if the shareholders donft agree with the concepts espoused by the selected charities?  People who believe that abortion is murder surely wouldnft appreciate some of their money being given to abortion activists, such as Planned Parenthood.  Likewise, supporters of the Constitution wouldnft like to see their money given to gun confiscation groups, such as Sarah Bradyfs Handgun Control, Inc.  The answer in a true capitalist economy would be for the corporations to do their thing, whether providing a service or producing a product, and distribute the profits to the shareholders to spend as they see fit.  If they choose to support their own favorite charities with that money, all the better.


Although I have always been an unabashed supporter of free enterprise and capitalism, I donft believe in profits above everything.  There are some things much more important than profits.  I do draw the line at illegal, immoral and unpatriotic activities.  The last one is a growing problem with the blurring of corporate ownership across national boundaries.  There are fewer true American companies that support American ideals.  For instance, what is Chrysler?  Since it merged with Daimler-Benz, is it an American company or a German one?  It is a truly sad state when companies such as Loral Space and Hughes Space will eagerly sell nuclear missile technology to a government intent on destroying America and our way of life.  The fact that a corrupt American President actively solicited bribes and sold them the right to make profits by arming the Communist Chinese is no excuse.  A patriotic American company would have passed up the opportunity for short term profits in exchange for long term peace and security.   (Back To Top)


Sympathy For IRS

I donft know why the mainstream media love the IRS and high taxes so much.  My hunch is that it goes hand in hand with their love of big government and the growth in programs.  Of course, while our superiors in the media, such as the nightly news readers (e.g. Brokaw, Rather, Jennings), believe that we peons donft pay enough in taxes, they do everything possible to minimize the tax bite on their multi-million dollar salaries.  Two recent news stories, and their spin on them, illustrate how they are very willing to act as IRS propagandists in addition to their duties as mouthpieces for the Clinton Gang and their fellow travelers in the JackAss Party.


Right around April 15, there was a series of stories about how the number and rate of IRS audits has been declining and is projected to decline even further if IRS is not provided with more money for its operations.  Even worse than the reduced number of audits is the fact that the rate is even lower for the evil rich than it is for the poor.  The tone is unmistakable; that everyone, especially the evil rich, is a tax cheater, and without the specter of IRS review, the cheating will get even worse.  Absent from these stories, which are still ongoing, is any mention of the fact that IRS has always been unable to account for at least $60 billion in each of their annual audits by the GAO.  Logic never gets in the way of fans of big government.  The answer for any money wasting program has always been to give it more money. 


The truth is that, with the need to reorganize in compliance with recent tax laws, IRS has had to reassign some of its audit resources to those tasks.  Their attempts to once again bring their computers up from 1960s technology to 1980s, as well as address their Y2K weaknesses, have also diverted their attention.  So, is this a terrible situation, as the media would have us believe?  It depends on your perspective.  I would hazard a guess that there may be a few folks out there who may not consider it such a bad state of affairs if their chances of being harassed by IRS are lessened. 


Hamstrung IRS Agents

Which brings us to the second issue.  Newspapers all around the country have run editorials on how Congress went too far in harnessing out of control IRS employees and that has made it impossible for them to do their jobs at all.  As a result, the media believe that nobody will pay their taxes properly ever again.  They are lobbying for more IRS power to harass and scare the tax cheaters.  They completely misunderstand the new law.  IRS employees have historically been allowed to use the strongest of tactics, up to and including violence, with no consideration for fair play or Constitutional rights, in order to extract funds for the government.  People get upset when police officers use excessive force when making arrests.  Why is it not proper to expect IRS to also be reasonable in its interfaces with taxpayers?


Reality Check - From the coverage given this issue by the press, it would seem that lawlessness is rampant and nobody is filing tax returns or paying their fair share of the increasing tax burden; that IRS has transformed into a sweet, toothless and clawless pussycat.  I wish that were the case.  The truth is very different.  With the dozens of cases I have been working on lately, I have not noticed any changes in the IRSfs demeanor.  They are still routinely violating taxpayersf rights, or at least trying to until I lodge protests.  Basic protections, such as the three year statute of limitations for audits, and official notification of examinations, are being ignored at an increasing rate.  They refuse to put things into writing so they can lie about what was said later on.  Likewise, there has been no reduction in the number of erroneous penalty notices sent out by IRS computers.  (Back To Top)


NOL Carrybacks

Tax news is slow to filter out around the country.  Many people are unaware that income averaging, which smoothed out the tax bite from a large increase in income, was eliminated in 1986 because it saved people too much in taxes.  Of course, the official explanation from our leaders was that they were simplifying things for us by eliminating that complicated schedule. 


The next best thing to income averaging has long been the ability to carry net operating losses (NOL) backwards and forwards.  A small tax change in regard to the carryback slipped by many practitioners, causing IRS to reject about a third of the 1998 NOL carrybacks it has received.  For as long as I can remember, the rule was that the loss had to be carried back to the third prior year and forward for 15 years.  The new law says that for losses arising in tax years beginning after August 5, 1997,  NOLs are to be carried back two years and then forward 20 years.  That means that 1998 NOLs are to be carried back to 1996.  (Back To Top)


Donft Use Employees

I have often discussed the perils of using employees in onefs business and the benefits of using independent contractors instead.  One of the big benefits has been the huge tax savings possible for both parties under this method.  As always when the central government isnft receiving as much money as possible, our leaders in D.C. have been on the warpath.  Two recent developments in this arena are important warnings for business owners.


Microsoft was recently forced to treat its temps as full time employees, with all of the same benefits.  They should have had everyone incorporated, as Apple has long done.  Corporations cannot be employees.  Only humans.


Time Off – As predicted by many, the law forcing employers to allow their employees unpaid time away from work, without fear of dismissal, for such emergencies as haircuts for their poodles, has been expanded to make it paid time off.  This is the tried and true pattern for the liberals in D.C. that illustrates the gcamelfs nose under the tenth analogy.  What this means is that employers will have to pay double.  Pay their worker up to 14 weeks of time away, while also paying his/her replacement to do the actual work required by the job.  The media spin has already started.  Anyone who complains about having to do this is a mean evil capitalist who cares more about profits than compassion.  (Back To Top)


Corporate Tax Returns

There is a common misconception that corporation tax returns (1120) are more difficult to prepare than individual returns (1040).  When I had other tax preparers, including CPAs, working for me in California, they were scared to work on corporate returns.  After forcing them to do it, they were amazed how easy they are.  What is ironic is that several clients hire me to prepare their corporate tax returns while they prepare their own personal returns.


The truth is that there are very few twists with corporate tax returns, after the first one is filed, locking in the corporationfs fiscal year.  I often experiment with different cut-off dates for the first return in order to maximize tax savings.  There are literally hundreds of variations in 1040s in reporting almost everything.  So many things are inter-related that itfs almost impossible to check all of the variations without a computer.  Doing it by hand is asking for trouble.  (Back To Top)


Estimated Taxes

I donft want to waste valuable space repeating myself on topics which I have already explained in great detail.  However, I do find it frustrating when I continue to see people (some of who are readers) doing unwise things that I warned about.  In last Summerfs issue, I described in great detail the rules for paying estimated taxes.  I am still finding people paying in way too much, often upon advice from their tax advisors.  If your taxable income will be higher this year than it was on last yearfs tax return, you should use the safe harbor and pay in what last yearfs taxes were.  There is no bonus or savings of any kind for paying more than is required to avoid penalties, other than a type of savings plan (with a zero percent interest rate).  The best thing to do if you have a large increase in income this year, is to work with your tax advisor to get a good handle on what your taxes will be with the return or extension you file next April 15, see what steps can be taken between now and December 31 to reduce that figure, and bank the excess over the minimum penalty-free amount.


On the same subject, itfs not necessary to make four equal installments of estimated taxes unless your taxable income is earned absolutely equally throughout the year.  Likewise, if your income changes during the year, you are not required to remain with the same payment schedule you started earlier in the year.  Youfd be amazed at how many people believe that they will be thrown in the slammer if they donft make four equal payments and that once the first payment is made, they are committed to paying that same amount three more times.  (Back To Top)


Why The Good Economy?

I often encounter people who despise the Clintons, yet feel secure with them as president because the economy is doing so well.  Clinton and Gore worshippers like to claim that theyfre responsible for the healthy economy we have.  When asked what either one of them actually did to cause it, they draw a blank.  Besides being a sign of blind devotion to their heroes, itfs also an indication of the absolutely terrible knowledge level in this country as to how a capitalist economy is supposed to function.  The truth, which their fellow travelers in the media either donft understand or choose to hide, is that the current upturn started during the Bush administration and it has continued up in spite of the Clinton agenda of higher taxes and bigger government; definitely not because of it.  Giving them credit for a good economy is as appropriate as giving them credit for the sun rising in the East every morning or the ebb and flow of the tides.  Their tax hikes and record number of executive orders and regulations have actually stifled what would have been an even more robust economy.  They have enlarged the government more than ever, sucking more money and life out of the economy than any other administration.  (Back To Top)


Tax Protestors

It seems like I have to address the issue of tax protestors on an ongoing basis because they continue to lure gullible people into their circles.  IRS has been doing a terrible job in addressing these schemes in terms of public relations.  I have written IRS on a number of occasions suggesting that they include tax protestor information on their web site and that they include us tax practitioners in their information loop.  I canft obtain a firm answer as to why they are so low key about addressing the claims made by tax protestor promoters.  My guess is that they donft want to give those schemes any more publicity.  Unfortunately, that silence on IRSfs part compounds the problem.  Promoters of these schemes use the silence as a sign of assent; that IRS canft dispute their claims. 


The two plans that I have been encountering a lot from all over the country are the Global Prosperity Group and people pushing tax statements instead of returns.  Both of these schemes are using multi level marketing to spread their message; so odds are that you will come across one of their downline. 


What these tax protestors are is very much like cult leaders who base their entire religion on one isolated word or passage in the Bible, such as handling snakes.  These people focus on one word, such as gvoluntaryh or gstatementh and base their entire strategy on that being a way out of having to file tax returns and pay taxes.  Just as with the bible, the big message cannot be obtained from one tiny excerpt.  Everything must be taken in context of the entire tax code and system.  Things look much different when the entire picture is looked at.  Itfs like examining a fine painting by standing right next to it with a microscope.  To be appreciated, it must be viewed in toto from a distance.  Thatfs how the tax system is in this country.


The whole issue of tax protestors gives me conflicts on many levels.  First, itfs no secret that I have always believed that the government takes too much money from the producers of this country.  However, as corrupt and distorted as the rules of the game are, the tax protestors arenft even close to complying with the rules.  Next is the issue of greedy gullible people.  One part of me says that they deserve what they get if they fall for anything as crazy as these schemes.  My other side feels sorry for the feeble-minded and considers it a humanitarian duty to warn them of shysters.  One part of me is grateful for the diversion these protestors cause for IRS.  If theyfre busy chasing these lawbreakers, therefs more chance theyfll leave us honest folks alone.


I caution everyone for the umpteenth time.  If you follow the lead of someone who claims to have found the magic answer with his microscope on the tax code, you are setting yourself up for disaster.  When these gwise menh take your money for their super secret system, and claim to guarantee it, beware.  When the IRS comes a knockinf on your door, you will be all alone.  I have seen literally dozens of cases where the followers of tax protestor schemes have lost everything, including their lives in many cases, due to IRS harassment.  I am not a big fan of the IRS.  It is tough enough dealing with them while complying with the laws.  Itfs deadly if you refuse to comply or follow the lead of some scamster.


A common technique these pyramid and untaxing programs use is telephone conference calls to make the sales pitches.  The person running the call has a script to read.  I detest this approach for a couple of reasons.  First is that I can read and digest information much faster than I can by hearing someone else read it.  The other reason is the more important.  People can make all kinds of promises verbally.  It amazes me that they expect people to invest large sums of money, or trust their freedom, based on such verbal promises.  If there is ever a disagreement, it will be a classic case of gI never said that.h  If they are afraid to provide all of their information and promises in writing, they are not to be trusted.  Plain and simple.


Global Prosperity Group - This one has all of the danger signs.  Markets with phone conference calls; so they can promise anything without written documentation.  Nothing in writing means itfs your word against theirs.  The course is $1,250, with $1,125 of that (90%) going to the distributor.  This MLM opportunity is being pushed harder than the information.  The material, which many consider to be brand new ground breaking exposés of the government and tax systems, has been around for decades and is readily available all over the country, for much less money.  Another tip off that this is a scam is the gmoney back guaranteeh they provide.  Itfs a whole ten days, which barely covers shipping time.  From numerous messages I saw on the Internet, almost nobody is actually given a refund. 


Tax Statements - This group has taken one sentence from the IRS instruction booklet for Form 1040 and built a veritable religion around it.  On page 51 of the 1040 booklet, in the section for IRSfs official Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, are the following two sentences.  gOur legal right to ask for information is Internal Revenue Code sections 6001, 6011, and 6012(a) and their regulations.  They say that you must file a return or statement with us for any tax you are liable for.h These people claim that this allows an option between filing a tax return or a statement.  They admit that they have been unable to determine from IRS what a statement should consist of.  However, they are selling their idea of what a statement is.  


They are just like advocates of MLM and pyramids, who are quick to claim that their plan is not a pyramid or MLM scheme.  This latest wave of tax protestors claim that they are using the tax code, while protestors donft.  They have picked out one word from the millions of them to claim they can submit a tax statement instead of a return.  Ifve checked out their statement and itfs nothing more than the same old tax protestor arguments; that taxes are voluntary and only required to be paid by Federal government employees and corporations in the alcohol, tobacco and firearm businesses.  I listened to an explanation of the tax statement scenario by one of its promoters.  He claims not to be a tax protestor, yet describes the IRS as a Puerto Rican corporation that doesnft give any of the money it collects to the United States Treasury.  (Back To Top)


IRS Web Site

Itfs not often I pay IRS a compliment, but they are doing a pretty good job in utilizing the web to disseminate tax forms and information.  Their website ( is very useful.  I often visit it to download the weekly Internal Revenue Bulletins (which used to cost me over $100 a year for the snail-mail paper version) and tax forms.  Their email newsletters, which anyone can subscribe to on the site, are also a very good method for IRS to keep everyone informed.  Ifm sure the private companies that package this information and sell it to practitioners are not pleased with this free competition.


As a side note, an excellent web site that leads to the various state tax agencies can be found at Sister States Tax Directory at  Itfs my starting point when I need state tax information and/or forms.  (Back To Top)


What Is Money?

One of the arguments used by tax protestors to evade their tax obligations is that they havenft earned any taxable income because the Federal Reserve Notes used in our current society are not actual money.  Some even use the term gFRNsh in place of dollars.  Of course, when I offer to take all of their gworthlessh FRNs off their hands for them, they no longer consider them to be worthless.


I really donft want to go into a lengthy discourse on the history of money.  One of the reasons the gworthlessh argument sounds plausible is the fact that the currency we use is no longer backed by any real tangible assets.  A long time ago, they were actually called gGold Certificatesh and gSilver Certificates.h  It meant that holders of such certificates could actually redeem them for a certain amount of gold or silver.  Since there are no such hard assets behind the current money, with the actual value only based on the Federal Reservefs promise to honor the currency, some people claim itfs worthless.  While it is true that government promises are basically bogus, that doesnft necessarily invalidate the currency used by a group of people in a society. 


The truth is that anything mutually agreed on by two parties can be considered currency.  Seashells and beads can be valid currency if mutually agreed on.  An often used new version of currency is shares of stock in new Internet related companies.  As Ifve mentioned before, most of those companies have no real tangible assets to support those shares. Yet, those shares are being used to acquire billions of dollars worth of real assets because the sellers have agreed to accept them as payment.  Some may call that idiotic; but itfs their choice to accept it or not.  (Back To Top)


Paying Taxes by Credit Card

In its move to being more service oriented, for the first time, with 1998 1040 returns, IRS has allowed people to pay their taxes with credit cards.  Actually, IRS isnft doing the processing itself.  It has a contract with a few outside companies to process the charges and pay the money to IRS.  For this service, these companies do charges fees, ranging from $3.00 for the smallest payments, up to thousands of dollars for very large payments.  The largest such service provider is US Audiotex in San Ramon, California (


Deciding whether this approach is a good idea depends on alternatives.  Taking a cash advance on a credit card is one other option to accomplish the same result.  Its fee would need to be compared.  What surprised everyone at IRS and the processing companies this past tax season was the huge volume of usage for this new service.  Some people were charging hundreds of thousands of dollars.  They were using the large charges to generate large benefits from the credit card companies, such as rebates and frequent flyer miles.  Again, whether the processing fees are offset by these benefits needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis.


As with any new program, this didnft escape without some screwups.  Although the official instructions and rules only allowed these payments to be applied against the taxes due on 1998 1040 forms, US Audiotex and IRS accidentally posted several payments towards the taxpayersf 1999 taxes.  This started a chain reaction of IRS nasty-grams and collection action, that IRS has recently proclaimed as corrected.  (Back To Top)


Loan Sharks

Any time there are laws to protect people from unscrupulous individuals, there are going to be those who look for ways to avoid those laws, especially when there is a great deal of money involved.  I have been noticing advertising for some new types of loans that are intended to get around usury laws, while posing as great conveniences for consumers.  Commercials are running for companies where you give them your jewelry to put in a safe deposit box as collateral for a loan.  They return them when you repay the loan.  Doesnft this sound like pawn shops?


Pawning cars (car title loans) is another way lenders are sticking it to desperate people. With the fees and short term nature of the loans, they are charging over 200% interest and repossessing cars like crazy.  In some states, when the cars are sold, the excess above the loan balance is to be returned to the previous owner.  In others, the lender get to keep the extra.  With loans for 50% of the low blue book values, these lenders are making some excellent profits from selling off repos.  (Back To Top)


Census Sampling

There has been a lot of discussion about the Clinton gangfs plans to use statistical sampling in the 2000 census.  They claim to want better accuracy.  As always with them, the truth is 180 degrees from that.  As Ifve discussed on several occasions, statistics are easily manipulated for whatever goal the people that produce them have.  We just went through one of the most brilliant uses of phony statistics for manipulation purposes with the impeachment sham.  The Clinton gang and their pals in the media bombarded the country throughout the scandal with the message that the gAmerican people want this behind them and that they consider Bill Clinton to be the greatest president in history.h  Those popularity polls were utter fabrications; but they did serve their intended purpose; scaring enough Senators to wimp out from defending the Constitution.


What the Clinton gang has also been very effective at is the manipulation of the vote.  Former Chicago Mayor, Richard Daley, Senior, was an amateur in using dead people and pets to turn elections his way.  The Clinton gang uses those tricks to great effect.  They have also been very effective at using illegal immigrants for additional votes for the JackAss Party.  That is why they have decimated the border patrol.  Robert Dornan, firebrand conservative congressman from Orange County, California, lost his seat because of illegal immigrants voting for Loretta Sanchez, the Clinton gangfs candidate.  It was recently announced that the Clinton gang wants to remove the voting prohibition from convicted felons and prison inmates, an obvious attempt to recruit even more voters for the JackAss Party. 


Here in many counties in Arkansas, itfs possible to easily vote twice in elections.  You can vote prior to Election Day at the county court house.  Since they donft cross your name out, you can vote again at the regular polling place on Election Day.  This is obviously done a lot because, while most locations around the country are lucky to achieve a 50% turnout of registered voters, many elections here have turnouts of 120% or more.


Which brings me to the issue of census sampling.  As you may recall if you studied civics, congressional seats are allocated across the country based on the official population counts every ten years.  There has also been a long running tradition of gerrymandering the boundaries of congressional districts in order to manipulate which party will control them.  The growing amount of largesse doled out by the central government in DC is also often controlled by population statistics, which is why some cities in high growth areas, such as parts of NorthWest Arkansas, paid for new censuses in the middle of the 1990s.  The higher numbers made them eligible to take more money from federal taxpayers.


The Clinton gangfs plan for statistical sampling is to estimate millions more members of their JackAss Party in certain parts of the country, ensuring that their candidates get elected and also get plenty of Washington pork with which to buy votes.   This is very dangerous.  The sides have been drawn in the debate and supporters of this manipulation plan have already started accusing their opponents of not wanting to count the poor minorities who are supposedly undercounted.  That is pure bunk.  Welfare payments are normally based on the number of people in the household; so if anything, those numbers are already inflated, not undercounted.


The latest argument by the Democrats has to do with the cost to taxpayers.  They claim that to do an actual head count would cost $1.72 billion more than originally planned on, while to use made up numbers would be virtually free.  Under their logic, it is wasteful to spend money to comply with the Constitution when they can produce the numbers out of thin air for free.  As always, the media have taken up the battle for their fellow travelers in the JackAss Party.


So, unless you tell your representatives that you want the census to be an actual head count, as required by the Constitution, they may as well just save the money by calling the whole thing off and just let the Clinton gang tell us what the numbers are.  Thatfs what theyfre planning to do anyways.  (Back To Top)


Internet Stocks

As a financial advisor, I have to frequently comment on the strategy and wisdom of investing in high tech stocks, which have made many people into billionaires, at least on paper and in the hype.  Ifve mentioned before that the stock values for such companies as Amazon.Com defy all rational financial analysis.  The combined market value of their stock is in the tens of billion dollars, although they own very little tangible assets, and they themselves predict that they will be losing money forever.


I often consult with people regarding the purchase and sale of small businesses, with calculations of a fair price for the business.  From a buyerfs perspective, one of the most important issues is the income generated by the business and how it compares in relation to alternative uses of the purchase money.  One floor level for comparing investment options is to just put the money into a bank CD, which is now earning about 4 to 5%. 


Suppose you had the chance to buy a bookstore.  You hire a financial guru to check out the companyfs books and work up some financial projections for the next ten years.  At no time over the next decade does it appear that the store will earn even one penny of profit.  How much would you be willing to pay for such a business?  If you say anything more than gtheyfd have to pay me to take it over,h youfre a prime candidate for Brooklyn Bridge salesmen.  So, why are people willing to pay billions of dollars for the privilege of losing money with Amazon.Com?  Itfs another classic scenario, the greater fool theory (a.k.a. a pyramid scheme).  As long as there is someone else out there stupid enough to pay you more than you paid for your stock, youfre safe.  Eventually, as with all pyramid schemes, you run out of fools (although it often appears to be an unlimited supply in this country) and the mysterious valuation collapses like a house of cards.  High tech stocks have been good short term investments, where you make your profit, sell to a bigger fool and bail out.  Ultimately, with no tangible assets to support any real valuation, the stock prices will experience gravity and plummet to Earth.  The new billionaires, whose full portfolios consist of those stocks, will see their wealth evaporate (without any help from the IRS).


Lately, Ifve been noticing some smart moves by some of these high tech companies that are floating on a cloud of speculative value.  Rarely does a week go by without some news story about a huge merger or buyout.  What the mainstream media often fail to report is that these purchases are done not with cash, but with corporate stock.  EBay, an Internet auction company, recently announced it is buying the real auction company, Butterfield & Butterfield.  Amazon.Com has been snapping up all kinds of other companies with its overpriced stock as well.  These are very smart moves in striking while the iron is hot.  Itfs a kind of money laundering that they are doing.  They invest their fictitious wealth into real assets that will be there when the bottom falls out of their fairy tale world.  (Back To Top)


Short Term vs. Long Term Outlook

Having missed out on making money from multi-level pyramid plans and high-flying Internet stocks, Ifve realized that I just canft invest without thinking long-term.


Pyramids - Over the past 25 years, Ifve resisted every attempt to become part of literally hundreds of MLM pyramid programs.  Good friendships have been destroyed because of my skepticism.  Almost all of those people ended up losing a lot of money and appreciating my wisdom, in hindsight.  What presents more of a dilemma are the few who have actually made a lot of money in some of these programs.  Who was right there?  Again, it depends on your outlook.  In the short haul, they did make a lot of money.  However, in the long term, I am still confident that the pyramid will collapse within a few years.  Which brings up the dilemma.  What about the people you recruit into the pyramid to sustain its profitability?  While you may make a lot of money as an early member (top of pyramid), what is your sense of responsibility to those beneath you who will not be as successful and will most likely lose a lot of money?  While I am probably among a rare minority in this regard, I just canft help looking ahead five years when approached about joining an MLM program.  I ask myself: gwill I feel good five years from now about what I have encouraged others to do?h  I just canft advise people to get into something that is destined for collapse.  Most other people obviously take a gbuyer bewareh attitude to this.


Internet Stocks - This is a slightly different situation.  While I would have personal knowledge of and accountability to anyone who were to follow my lead into a pyramid, the stock market is much more anonymous.  If I were to buy some stock and then sell it for a hundred times my cost, is it any concern of mine if the stockfs value plummets by 90% or more a month later?  Unfortunately, I do.  I am also having difficulty overcoming my years of schooling on stock investing as a long term endeavor.  However, I am hoping to eventually overcome those pangs of conscience and make some money from the greater fools out there.  (Back To Top)



I have recently been asked by several people about investing in commodities.  Specifically, they are asking about solicitations they have received from a guy in Grants Pass, Oregon, Ken Roberts.  I have received his almost monthly mailings for several years.  While I have never met him personally, I do know something about him and his program.  He claims to have developed his own top secret formulas to guarantee making large profits in the commodities markets.  What is the truth?


From feedback received from clients, as well as hundreds of messages on the web (especially Motley Foolfs message boards), the consensus is that Mr. Roberts is a huckster.  He is like most of the other get rich quick seminar people.  He doesnft actually make money doing what he wants others to do.  He makes his money selling books, tapes and seminars.  I have worked with many of these people over the years; so I know of what I speak.  His claims of guaranteed success are absolute garbage and such accuracy of predictions is literally impossible.


Commodities are tempting.  Every year around the Fall, there are daily commercials on the Rush Limbaugh Show touting guaranteed riches by investing in heating oil.  The claim is that as the temperatures drop, the prices will skyrocket and small investments will return several thousand percent returns.  Ifm not sure what it says about the perception of Limbaughfs listeners that there are so many commercials for get rich quick schemes such as this and the prepaid telephone cards.  Theyfre not as insulting to onefs intelligence as the psychic phone line ads on late night TV; but theyfre close.  There have also been ads for the past several years touting gold as the best and safest investment because its price has been at an all time low.  Again, with some hindsight, how were those predictions of guaranteed profits from gold?  The price of gold has continued to drop, not increase.  Most knowledgeable sources predict even more declines are to come due to some expected selling by governments and other large holders.  Yet, the commercials are still running guaranteeing an increase in goldfs price.


What about the heating oil scenario?  It fails on several fronts.  First is the guarantee of winters so cold that the prices will skyrocket.  Last winter was relatively mild, with much lower than normal demand for heating oil.  The biggest flaw in the logic is that these people somehow know something that everyone else in the investment world doesnft.  Thatfs ludicrous.  The big investors who control the commodity markets have already factored in such things as expected demand and production levels.  Many of them use private weather prediction services for fine tuning their investment strategies.  To think that some Joe Schmoe can buy some heating oil futures and watch them increase in value as the temperatures drop is crazy.  Futures contracts for delivery in cold winter months have already been adjusted for that potential. 


What about Queen Hillary?  It has been widely reported that she was able to turn a $1,000 investment in cattle futures into $100,000 in just a few days after just reading the Wall Street Journal.  If Hillary can do that, why canft others?  There are two main reasons.


1.     As the media love to tell us, Hillary is the smartest human being to ever walk this planet.  To expect mere mortals to match her feats is ridiculous.


2.     The truth.  Hillary didnft really turn $1,000 into $100,000.  Tyson Foods was paying her a bribe of $100,000 for special favors from the Governor of Arkansas and laundered it by pushing $100,000 from their trading account to Hillaryfs.  In this way, the income could be reported on the Clintonsf tax return and they wouldnft be prosecuted for underpaying their taxes, which we all know is a much bigger offense than accepting bribes.


A little common sense could save you from these scamsters.  Ask yourself: gIf this is such an easy formula for riches, why isnft this person making that kind of money?h  (Back To Top)


Limited Partnerships

Wherever you find money, youfll find vultures trying to swindle it.  In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the faddish investment was tax shelter limited partnerships.  The Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated most of the tax benefits of these investments, and subsequently their values fell through the floor.  They also became relatively hard to resell.  Over the past few years, a fairly active secondary market in old burned out limited partnerships has grown considerably.  Unfortunately, this development hasnft filtered out to the masses of investors still holding these shares.  Proving that knowledge is power, some people are exploiting this ignorance.  They are sending out solicitations offering to pay about a third of what the going market price is for these old relics of the tax shelter hey days.  Thinking that they were completely worthless, many gullible investors have been accepting these offers.  While it may be true that they are coming out with what seems to them to be gfound money,h  they are handing over huge profits to the vultures.  All it would take is a call to a stock broker or financial planner, who could look it up on the secondary markets.  (Back To Top)


Tax On Social Security

Last time, I discussed the penalty that is levied on Social Security recipients under 70 who receive too much gearned income.h  I have been encountering a lot of confusion between that rule, enforced by the Social Security Administration, and the taxation of Social Security benefits by IRS.  Specifically, I have had several people tell me that since they have now reached that magic age of 70, they donft have to worry about tax on their Social Security.  While they no longer have any penalty for receiving too much earned income, they are still potentially subject to income tax on their benefits.  A little refresher on this issue is needed.


I have always felt it the ultimate irony that the Clintons and their fellow travelers in the JackAss Party have been portrayed by their allies in the media as the saviors of the senior citizens in this country against the evil intentions of those in the Elephant Party.  As always with this bunch, the truth is 180 degrees different.


A promise from the federal government isnft worth squat.  Just ask American Indians how valuable a treaty is.  There has never been a tax deduction allowed for the Social Security and Medicare taxes that are withheld from paychecks or paid in as Self Employment tax.  This creates a kind of double taxation.  You are paying income tax on money that you didnft actually receive.  To counter this injustice, the Feds put into the original law that to balance out the up front double taxation, all benefits received would be completely tax free.  However, in recent years, as the Feds looked for additional ways in which to steal money for their operations, they started taxing some of the Social Security benefits received by the evil rich folks in this country, a very popular target.  At first, it was 50% taxable.  The very first tax bill signed by the Clintons was a retroactive (which used to be illegal) increase in the taxable amount to 85%.  I have seen this cost many people several thousand dollars.  There is a push underway by the JackAsses in Congress to subject 100% of Social Security benefits to taxation.  Itfs one of their first agenda items when they take back control of Congress after the 2000 election.


Of course, if itfs the evil rich, why should we care?  There are literally scores of provisions in the tax code that penalize the evil rich.  Supporters of these additional taxes call them gmeans testingh because those people supposedly have alternative means with which to make up the difference.  I prefer to refer to it as gmean testingh because they are being mean to the producers of this country; or those who St. Louis Congressman Dick Gephardt refers to as the gwinners of lifefs lottery.h  In each of the mean testing provisions, the thresholds are different.  So where are they for Social Security recipients?  In another example of the infamous marriage penalty, the threshold is $25,000 of total income for single persons and $34,000 for married couples filing joint returns.  This figure includes the tax returnfs adjusted gross income (AGI) plus tax free interest (e.g. from municipal bonds) and half of the Social Security benefits themselves.  As one of many penalties for using the Married Filing Separate status, the threshold for those people is zero.


So, Congress has defined a single person earning $25,000 or more a year as an evil rich lottery winner.  What can be done about this injustice?  You can cross your fingers and hope that these punitive laws are changed, as the Elephant Party had promised to do if it ever controlled Congress.  Of course, they also promised to support term limits and fewer government programs.   Itfs too bad political elephants suffer so much from amnesia.  As always, the solution, if you donft want to pay in those extra several thousands of dollars each year, is to take steps of your own.  The easiest method is to prevent your 1040 income from reaching those magic thresholds by shifting some of it to another tax return.  Specifically, a C corporation tax return, which has its own 15% tax bracket for the first $50,000 of taxable income.  An S corporation wouldnft do any good because its income just flows right back to your 1040, pushing you into higher tax brackets and triggering the mean testing penalties.  (Back To Top)



Itfs amazing to hear stories of idiots spending thousands of dollars on toys and other new Star Wars stuff, expecting them to be worth millions in the future.  Things made to be collectible, such as those prized treasures from the Franklin Mint, donft become valuable.  Neither is anything that is still being produced.  Rarity and limited supply cause high values.  (Back To Top)



Itfs classic Washington logic (the biggest oxymoron around).  Take a program that is completely out of control in terms of cost and bureaucracy, and make it even bigger and more powerful.  In a blatant attempt to buy votes from senior citizens, the JackAss Party is planning to have Medicare, which is already on the brink of bankruptcy, pay for prescriptions.  Supporters of this plan estimate this added benefit will cost an additional $45 billion a year.  Considering that all previous Medicare estimates have been a tiny fraction of the actual numbers, itfs obvious where this is headed. 


While at first blush, this may appear to be a good deal in the face of expensive medications, I prefer to look at the overall big picture.  While the medicines may be free to the seniors, it is just like Federally paid road work.  Most people consider it a freebie.  However, that money does come from somewhere; from those of us who work for a living.  Taxes will have to go up to pay for this.  The ceiling on the income subject to the 12.4% Social Security tax (currently $72,600) will be removed.


Fans of big government are very patient and have been extremely successful in achieving their objectives by working in increments.  Queen Hillaryfs attempt to take control of the entire medical care industry in 1994 failed because she tried to do it all in one big bite.  These kinds of changes are much more easily assimilated in gbaby steps.h  Once people become accustomed to a government program such as this, the chances of it ever being eliminated, or even reduced, are nonexistent.  Anyone opposing free government paid medicines will be portrayed by the media as wanting to murder poor defenseless old people.  The media love all big government programs and will do everything in their power to support the growth of Medicare.  (Back To Top)


College Funding

Some time ago, I wrote about the growth in poverty planning in the financial advisor arena.  This entails helping people dispose of or move assets in order to qualify for government paid programs, such as Medicare.  This became such a hot issue that a law was actually passed making it illegal for anyone to give this kind of advice.  Luckily, in an increasingly rare support of the Constitution, this law was tossed out as being an infringement of our freedom of speech.


As the saying goes, if you want to know what is important, follow the money.  Although our countryfs overall rate of inflation has been fairly low over the past few years (averaging around 3%), the two areas that have consistently had double digit inflation rates have been education and medical costs.  Similar to the poverty planning for senior citizens, a fast growing specialty in the financial planning community is helping people qualify for financial assistance for their childrenfs college costs.  The basics of these planning steps, which I will cover in more detail in a future issue, involve how assets are owned (by parent or child) as well as what kinds of assets.  Some types of assets, when listed on financial applications, cause a student to be ineligible for financial assistance; while others (e.g. business assets, residences and annuities) are not counted as strongly against the student.  If you now have or will be having a college student in the family, and you want to qualify for some very generous financial assistance with those costs, you should consult with a financial advisor who is aware of the strategies that could help you qualify.  (Back To Top)



Kerstetter Letter

11802 Deer Road

Harrison, AR  72601

-- THE END --

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s the saying goes, if you want to know what is important, follow the money.  Although our countryfs overall rate of inflation has been fairly low over the past few years (averaging around 3%), the two areas that have consistently had double digit inflation rates have been education and medical costs.  Similar to the poverty planning for senior citizens, a fast growing specialty in the financial planning community is helping people qualify for financial assistance for their childrenfs college costs.  The basics of these planning steps, which I will cover in more detail in a future issue, involve how assets are owned (by parent or child) as well as what kinds of assets.  Some types of assets, when listed on financial applications, cause a student to be ineligible for financial assistance; while others (e.g. business assets, residences and annuities) are not counted as strongly against the student.  If you now have or will be having a college student in the family, and you want to qualify for some very generous financial assistance with those costs, you should consult with a financial advisor who is aware of the strategies that could help you qualify.  (Back To Top)
